A Routine I Could Get Used To

Yesterday, I received a large project due late Monday. I divided it into chunks that would allow for days of reasonable length, time to see Dale one last time if she was free, and, of course, riding on Mondays.

I’ve been going to bed really early, catching up on a few weeks of short nights, and was up at 5:00 this morning and at work by 6:00. I pretty much powered through my day, with short, but regular breaks, including catching the 6:30 tortilla delivery!

By 3:00 I had not only completed the work I wanted to do today, but also made inroads on tomorrow’s. My back was sore and I decided it was time to quit since there was absolutely no reason to kill myself over this job. Time for a walk!

Rather than head for the beach, I took off for Goat Island for a change of scenery. On the way there, I passed the new mini supermarket and saw that they had a sandwich board outside advertising frozen treats. I decided to pop in to see if they by any chance had any chocolate ice cream. The offerings were slim, but they had a chocolate ice cream drumstick that fit my craving perfectly. At 21 pesos it was cheap enough for me not to balk, but expensive enough for me to not make a habit of it!

My knee being very sore, I decided not to climb Goat Island today. Instead, I circled back to the main road in the opposite direction of the mountain, following the coast line, where I discovered a cove with a lovely beach in front of the Pizza Benji restaurant. I watched a father and daughter build an impressive sand castle for a few minutes.

When I got in, I spent some time reading, made dinner, and crashed with a movie. It’s now 8:30 and definitely bedtime, I’m almost embarrassed to admit. Hopefully, I’ll be able to keep up that work pace tomorrow and finish early again.