Tuesday Night Social

This evening, I went back to Firelake Casino to pick up Linda in my toad. Yay for driving Moya! Not so yay for Moya losing a wiper blade down the interstate! This is the same driver’s side lost and found wiper blade from the last time that happened. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be enslaved to a vehicle. Go, wiper blade! Be free! Have a good life!

Linda was supposed to come here for dinner with some friends of hers, Carol and Steve, who is a casual reader of TWM. But the pair were running late, so the plan changed to my picking up Linda, coming back here to the Grand Casino for dinner at the sports bar, and us getting our food orders in while waiting for Steve and Carol who would join us belatedly for food then drive Linda home. It wasn’t as convoluted as that sounds. 🙂

I had what felt like a whole pig for dinner: a bacon, ham, and pulled pork sandwich! I brought half home for lunch tomorrow! It had just a little kick to it and was yummy.

While Linda and I were waiting, we were invited to play some free keno and were taught the game, which has to be the stupidest game of chance on the planet. I won $0.80! 😀 I still have my other free keno game from signing up for the player’s club, so I’ll try my luck again tomorrow.

I’m so glad I had a chance to meet up with Linda at very long last and it was a pleasure to be introduced to Steve and Carol.

I’ve met so many wonderful people this winter and I have at least two more social stops ahead of me (Wichita and Omaha) before I hit the border.

Pauls Valley to Shawnee, OK

It was a so-so night at Walmart. Because of the lack of parking spots, a reefer parked almost on top of me (not exaggerating; he had to go out his passenger door and I couldn’t open my house door!). I couldn’t fault the driver for that. He ran the engine for a few hours in the evening, then again in the middle of the night before finally taking off around 5:00 or 6:00. So my sleep was interrupted and I gave up around 7:00.

Since I only had about an hour to my destination, I thought of just taking off, but something told me to check my email. There was a comment from Linda Sand warning me that there are two Firelake casinos in Shawnee and that she was parked at the wrong one. Since it was on route to the right one, where I had planned to spend the night, I decided to stop there first and meet her since we keep just missing each other this spring. Onsite, I could check out the RV facilities and determine the best casino to stay at.

I arrived at the first casino, Firelake Casino, around 10AM, after circling around the complex a number of times before finding the RV park. I knew Linda is a late riser, so I sent a message to let her know I was on site instead of banging on her door, then had breakfast and did some online stuff. I called the casino to ask about the RV park and after being bounced around a bit, I was told it is $15 for FHU. Good deal and a nice location, but too much for me right now.

Linda got back to me around 11:30 and I went to check out her swanky digs (WOW, the things you can do with a class B when you custom design the layout!) and we gabbed for a bit. We will be having dinner tonight.

I headed out to the Grand Casino around 2:00 and was settled into a spot and had had lunch by 2:30. Linda had warned me I would have to unhook and back in, so I was prepared. Neither event took any effort. The slots are super narrow, but there is ample room to back in and they are perfectly angled for easy entrance. The view out the back is of a muddy creek, but the view from the desk is half into a bedroom window (I’m keeping that curtain closed!), one quarter onto an RV wall, and one quarter to the big rig parking lot.

In exchange for signing up for the player’s club, I get three nights with power and water and access to a dump station (each additional night is $25). With the player’s club, you get free keno, 10 entries to a draw, and $10 in match play (so you put $10 in the slot machines and they give you 10, but not on progressive machines). I have never played keno, but for the chance to win $100, I will try it out!

Three nights with power will be much appreciated since it is super cold and overcast. I’m running out of propane, so I have to ration until I find a place to fill and am grateful I can run the electric heater.

Gas prices in OK are much cheaper than in TX, to my surprise. Thank goodness for that. My gas mileage the last two days has been the pits and I’ve had to adjust my gas budget from $600 to $900 to get back to Canada from Dallas. *sighs* I’m just glad I’m not paying Canadian prices for fuel!!! Here, fuel is about $3.20 ($0.85/litre) a gallon and average Canadian prices are $4.90 ($1.30/litre) a gallon. So to fill the motorhome here (50 gallons), it’s $160 and to fill it in Canada would be $245!

I wish I could have had just one more month in the US to avoid getting back to Canada in this frigid soupy mess. I’m afraid that that’s what I’ll remember most about my winter, the cold humid last days rather than the hot sunny days walking barefoot along the beach with palm trees rustling in the background. Those days already feel like they belonged to another life. 🙁

City Tour of New Orleans

When I come to a big city, I like to take a city tour to get my bearings. I had pamphlets for a bunch of them here in New Orleans and picked the one that seemed to offer the best value, then I searched for online reviews to solidify my choice. I went with the Louisiana Tour Company, offering a three-hour tour for $44 (plus a $5 tip to the driver).

This tour is really a full three hours. They do not count the time it takes to pick up everyone at their hotels and drop them off again as being part of the tour. I was picked up in Gretna on the Westbank at about 1:20 for the 1:30 tour. By the time we’d picked up everybody and payment had been taken, it was well past 2:00. We finished the tour past 5:00 and I didn’t get back to my car in Gretna until 6:30.

The tour offers a general overview of the main areas of the city that are of interest to tourists, including the Central Business District; the French Quarter; and the Lower 9th Ward, the area most devastated by Hurricane Katrina. We also got out of the bus to explore a Catholic Cemetery and took a break for beignets in City Park.

Our tour guide, Eugene, is a New Orleans native whose love and knowledge of his city was obvious. I couldn’t even begin to get into all the information he gave us, from talking about famous landmarks to pointing out little architectural details I would never have otherwise noticed. He was very friendly, professional, and spun a good yarn without sounding like he was full of bull. I’ve been on city tours where the drivers liked to feed cockamamie stories to gullible tourists and this was not the case here.

The best part of the tour was definitely the visit to the Lower 9th Ward where Eugene gave us the scoop on what really happened down there by sharing the story of a man who chose to ride out the storm with his family. This man has returned to his neighborhood and lives in one of the Brad Pitt foundation homes.

The Lower 9th Ward, being the poorest area of the city, is the slowest to come back to life and is still full of blighted homes. But the community that is rising from the ruins appears to be full of promise. The tour companies are not allowed to actually go into the community, as per a federal decree, but apparently the residents liked having the tour groups go through as they made money selling lemonade, cookies, and pralines to the tourists.

We covered a lot of ground today, but I am now well prepared to explore the French Quarter (possibly tomorrow) having seen where the Algier Ferry docks (right in front of Harrah’s) and being armed with a list of good restaurants that won’t break the bank.

Eugene and I had a nice chat about my RVing life on the way back to Gretna and he pointed out a few restaurants I could try, but admitted that he drives into the city to eat as the Westbank options are uninspiring.

I’m really glad I did the city tour offered by the Louisiana Tour Company!

The following pictures are the best I was able to take on a moving bus through glass! I really wish I had been able to get a few good ones of the ginormous magnificent homes along St. Charles Avenue.

The architecture feels very French.

The architecture feels very French.




I like the mix of old and new architecture.

I like the mix of old and new architecture.

This 50-story tall building used to be Shell Headquarters, which have now moved to Houston, Texas.

This 50-story tall building used to be Shell Headquarters, which have now moved to Houston, Texas.

These bleachers are for the Mardi Gras parades.

These bleachers are for the Mardi Gras parades.

Robert E Lee

Robert E Lee

One of Emeril Lagasse's restaurants.

One of Emeril Lagasse’s restaurants.

The streetcars are good value for getting to some parts of the city. I witnessed a ton of construction going on to prolong this line.

The streetcars are good value for getting to some parts of the city. I witnessed a ton of construction going on to prolong this line.

There were Mardi Gras beads hanging from the trees on St. Charles Avenue. I couldn't believe that nearly eight years ago, St. Charles Avenue was under 16 feet of water.

There were Mardi Gras beads hanging from the trees on St. Charles Avenue. I couldn’t believe that nearly eight years ago, St. Charles Avenue was under 16 feet of water.


The owner of this house dresses up his stone pigs for every possible occasion.

The owner of this house dresses up his stone pigs for every possible occasion.

A lemon tree!!!

A lemon tree!!!

This house that looks like it was cut in half was built on a property line.

This house that looks like it was cut in half was built on a property line.

This building with a lighthouse sticking out of it is for sale.

This building with a lighthouse sticking out of it is for sale.

US. Marshal parking only!

US. Marshal parking only!


The Harrah's casino. Gambling is illegal in the area, so there is no gambling in the casino, only gaming. :)

The Harrah’s casino. Gambling is illegal in the area, so there is no gambling in the casino, only gaming. 🙂

The Riverwalk shopping centre.

The Riverwalk shopping centre.

Driving down Decatur Street in the French Quarter.

Driving down Decatur Street in the French Quarter.

You can rent these hilarious little cars.

You can rent these hilarious little cars.

These are mules, which are hardier than horses.

These are mules, which are hardier than horses.

The Central Grocery, home of the Muffuleta sandwich.

The Central Grocery, home of the Muffuleta sandwich.

A statue of Joan of Arc.

A statue of Joan of Arc.

One of the many beautiful statues in a Catholic cemetery.

One of the many beautiful statues in a Catholic cemetery.

Everyone is buried above ground in New Orleans.

Everyone is buried above ground in New Orleans.

Perpetual care means that extra money was paid in the 18th century for the church diocese to maintain the tombs forever!

Perpetual care means that extra money was paid in the 18th century for the church diocese to maintain the tombs forever!

This new tomb is a monstrosity, methinks. Some people have more money than sense.

This new tomb is a monstrosity, methinks. Some people have more money than sense.

Masons sneaked into this cemetery and built a tomb, but only one person was ever allowed to be interred here.

Masons sneaked into this cemetery and built a tomb, but only one person was ever allowed to be interred here.

This tomb is getting a new door.

This tomb is getting a new door.


City Park

City Park


This little boy was catching small flat silver fishes.

This little boy was catching small flat silver fishes.

We stopped at the Morning Call café for refreshments, including beignets and café au lait. I was unable to get service and didn't really want to eat there anyway since the place did not feel clean.

We stopped at the Morning Call café for refreshments, including beignets and café au lait. I was unable to get service and didn’t really want to eat there anyway since the place did not feel clean.



The New Orleans Museum of Art.

The New Orleans Museum of Art.

Statue of Beauregard, the guy who fired the first shot of the US Civil War.

Statue of Beauregard, the guy who fired the first shot of the US Civil War.

The rich parts of New Orleans look like nothing happened. But when you reach the 9th Ward, you see many houses that need repair or to simply be bulldozed.

The rich parts of New Orleans look like nothing happened. But when you reach the 9th Ward, you see many houses that need repair or to simply be bulldozed.

This is where the levee broke that flooded the Lower 9th Ward.

This is where the levee broke that flooded the Lower 9th Ward.

All those colourful houses were built by the Brad Pitt Foundation. He promised to build 150 homes and 90 have been built so far. To qualify for a home, you had to have a home in the Lower 9th Ward with a clear title. The homes cost $125,000 and up and the residents have a 10-year interest free loan on them, which is about $700 a month in payments. They all have solar panels to reduce the monthly power bills.

All those colourful houses were built by the Brad Pitt Foundation. He promised to build 150 homes and 90 have been built so far. To qualify for a home, you had to have a home in the Lower 9th Ward with a clear title. The homes cost $125,000 and up and the residents have a 10-year interest free loan on them, which is about $700 a month in payments. They all have solar panels to reduce the monthly power bills.


The water levels in the Lower 9th Ward rose to over 25' feet, then settled at 16', which is the top of the tallest blue post.

The water levels in the Lower 9th Ward rose to over 25′ feet, then settled at 16′, which is the top of the tallest blue post.

Muggy Mississippi Morning

I am paused for a very early lunch at the second Mississippi rest area on I-10 westbound from Alabama.

It was a hot night in Atmore and I awoke to cloying mugginess. By 7:30, the sun was shining brightly. So much for the forecast!

I took it really slow this morning as I only had about 300KM to drive. I’d hooked up the night before, so I thought I would have an easy pull out. HA HA HA HA.

Signage and directions in the Wind Creek parking lots are poor and I wound up driving straight into a dead end unloading area with no place to turn around! Thankfully, I was able to pull into a quiet area in a straight enough line to unhook. A nice gentleman helped me back the motorhome out of there once the truck was out of the way. GAH. Anyway, unhooking without any pressure isn’t too bad.

If the next few days are anything like today, I will be glad to have shore power when I get to New Orleans! In fact, if I have the choice, I will get 30A rather than 15A.

Parked at Wind Creek Casino.

Parked at Wind Creek Casino.

What a decision!

What a decision!



Next major city: New Orleans!

Next major city: New Orleans!

Passing this exit, I got the urge to give up my life of RVing and become a shrimp boat captain.

Passing this exit, I got the urge to give up my life of RVing and become a shrimp boat captain.



Parked at the Mississippi welcome centre

Parked at the Mississippi welcome centre

This is what I imagined Mississippi would look like!

This is what I imagined Mississippi would look like!

Tabitha enjoying a bird concert.

Tabitha enjoying a bird concert.

Soggy Alabama Night

I had thought to stay three nights here in Atmore, but I’m looking at nothing but grey sky for the foreseeable future with batteries at the low 80%. Since my next stop is just 3 hours away and has power, it just makes more sense to push on to New Orleans and drop anchor for a bit. I’ll likely be there a week, maybe a little longer, waiting for the DC charger for my laptop to arrive. I’m starting to doubt that I’ll be able to stay as long as I would have liked at my planned stop in Texas, what with the weather there being chilly, but I’ll make that decision when it’s time.

I went into the casino to grab dinner at the buffet. This being the South, most of the seafood offerings were deep fried, but the overall spread was nothing to sneeze at, featuring everything from sushi to pizza to Chinese food to steak and ham to a dizzying array of salads and desserts. Croft would have been in catfish heaven and I have to say this was probably the best fried catfish I have ever had!

I finished the night by putting some money in the slot machines, all of which I’m only saying to make it a matter of public record that I tried to pay these folks for their warm hospitality these last two nights. It’s not my fault they decided to pay me $150 for my efforts, is it?

So having formally been to Florida and added Alabama to my list of visited states, tomorrow I shall add Mississippi and Louisiana. That’ll leave me 10. And by the time I return to Canada, I could easily knock of another five. Add nine Canadian provinces and two Canadian territories and I think I can consider this continent seized, no?