In February, when I moved to Blaine and had the coffee shop nearby, I thought it would be good to bring my travel mug with me instead of using a disposable cup. But I couldn’t find the travel mug; it wasn’t anywhere in the kitchen and I wondered if I’d left it somewhere.
For the next few months, getting a new travel mug was at the back of my mind. Just a niggle. And I couldn’t help but wonder about the fate of my travel mug, that good Thermos-brand one I bought for the Chilkoot trip. But I never thought about it at a moment when I had time to think about the last time I remembered seeing it.
Last night, being unable to sleep, I decided to raid the cupboards one last time even though I’d just recently gone through them. All I could find was the stainless steel non-travel mug with tea strainer that I had bought in Inuvik.
Where I purchased the stainless steel mug with strainer because I’d bought a bunch of strong teas and didn’t like how they transferred their taste to my travel mug.
The light bulb that went on was as bright as the bat signal! I suddenly knew exactly where my travel mug was!
I grabbed a shawl and raced outside, never mind the rain and darkness. I opened up the driver’s side rear pass-through door, pulled out the water hose and miscellaneous hook-up gear plastic drawer, grabbed the tote with the camping supplies, and voilà!
See, if I’d been disorganized, I would have had no idea where the heck I put my camping stuff after I came back from Inuvik. But because that stuff has a home, I was able to put the tote away immediately in the rush of getting back to the madness of my second Klondike summer.
I really do need to get going on my ’empty out the entire basement and inventory it’ project. 😀
Every things has it’s place. But, when we don’t put it in that place remembering when/where we last used it is our only hope. I’m so glad you remembered before you bought a new one. 🙂
I am very imppressed with you, yet again. I will get totally organized, and it will probably take the rest of my life. (No I am not putting myself down, it just is an on-going activity – like doing the dishes). Love you.
Ha ha ha if you think I’m *completely* organized! 😀 But compared to where I was a few years ago it’s a huge improvement. Being organized is a on going process. Love you too!