Wiper Maintenance

The other day, I dropped in at O’Reilly auto parts to pick up some new wiper blades for the truck. There was an $11.03 balance on my gift card, so the wipers only cost me $0.73 out of pocket!

L put them on Moya this afternoon and it was way easier than changing the wiper blades on the Accent. So much so I’m embarrassed not to have done it myself.

We then had a look at Miranda and why the wiper fluid was pumping but not reaching the windshield. L pulled on something and it came loose, so he (correctly) guessed that it needed to be reconnected to a T. He gave me instructions/suggestions on how to do that and then we went in for lunch.

I came back out, got my EZ-Foldz along with a star screw driver and a pair of needle nose pliers. After I removed several screws and rummaged around blindly with the pliers, I finally found the T (actually V) connection and got the hoses hooked up again.