Haven With Power!!!

Wow, do not mess with my electrician! He emailed last night at 10:30 to let me know that he would contact SaskPower first thing in the morning to sort things out for me. He emailed at 10:30 this morning to let me know that was done and that I was promised power by Friday at the absolutely latest. But not more than an hour and a half later, SaskPower rolled into the hamlet!!!

His wiring job is absolutely perfect. I have work to do today, so the move will be tomorrow afternoon.


All the outlets register 120ish volts. This is the reading from the 30A outlet, just to assuage the fears of those who have seen 30A outlets wired for 220V.


If you ever need electrical work done in southern Saskatchewan, do not hesitate to call Brad Gould of Gould’s Electric in Assiniboia!

Electrical Setback

I don’t know why things usually go wrong at the last second with me. 🙁

The power wasn’t in by 3:00 today, so I called the power company. They called the company that actually does the work and were told that I was not scheduled for today, much less Friday! I emailed my electrician to ask him to call his contacts for me since the power company says that my clock has restarted and it could be another two weeks to get the meter in! Augh! If the weather could just stay in a nice sunny holding pattern, I’d just move and boondock, but I still need the heaters at night.

Anyway, I thought that I would show some of the progress that I am making. I have two giant piles of leaves to transfer to the eastern perimeter, but it’s been too windy to do that. I’ve been borrowing a wheelbarrow, but am going to price them when I go to town so that I can work at this without having to reserve the leaf transportation.

The neighbour to the west, whose house you can just see, came by to chat with me yesterday to see how I was doing, what my improvement plans are, and to tell me that if I want to trim the trees on the property line, clear the mess of weeds behind his shed, etc., I don’t have to ask. He’s just glad to see someone cleaning up and making things look nice.


I’m not sure yet what I’m doing with my tree stumps. I’m trying to dig up the northmost one since it will be in the way of a building, but the roots are large and widespread. This is just some of the roots that I pulled up. If they are like that, I know I have no hope of getting the big tree stump out without serious muscle!


Pulling up those roots has made a mess of my yard, not that I particularly care. Most of that will be covered by a building anyway.


The little guy who sneaked into the picture really wants me to be his mom, but a) he has a mom and b) I really don’t need a dog right now. I don’t know his name and made the mistake of giving him one, which he actually responds to. I might be in trouble!!! It’s Higgins, by the way, after Constable Higgins in ‘Murdoch Mysteries.’ 🙂 He is just so sweet and not well taken care of. He gets to run loose with the hamlet’s other neglected dog, Chelsea. They are best friends, have a lot of fun together, and are a hoot to watch.

So that’s the latest here. Here’s to hoping my electrician continues to be wonderful and gets the meter situation sorted out for me.

Small Town Life

I’ve been in Saskatchewan a year now! No, my power’s not here yet. All appendages crossed for Monday…

Last night (Friday), I went to Assiniboia for dinner and a movie. I went to the buffet for dinner and the server brought my drink order (water with lemon) even before I’d said hi. I don’t go there that often (maybe once every six to eight weeks, and usually with friends), so I’m impressed that she remembered!

I am so grateful to have a cinema in town, even if it’s just one screen and we see movies a few weeks behind everyone else. I was just taking my seat when I heard my name called. It was a young girl I met on the wagon train last year. I asked her to bring me a horse this year. 🙂

Today, I went to Willow Bunch for groceries and to drop off more donations at the thrift store. I walked into the door of the thrift store and immediately saw something I wanted, book called Creating the Prairie Xeriscape. One of my goals for Haven is for it to be very low maintenance in terms of yard work so that no one needs to take care of it if I’m not here during the growing season. This book will be a good start to my education. It’s a very nice book, with heavy full colour pages, in brand new condition, for $1, store price $35!

Upon advice from the thrift store cashier, I then headed to the senior centre, which was holding its annual trade show where folks who sell things like Pampered Chef and Watkins can put their names out there. I was hoping there would be a Tupperware rep since one of my collapsible bowls has a crack in it, for which I am not impressed.

As I worked my way around the room, one of the Willow Bunch Museum managers saw me and called me over. I’m still doing some volunteer translating for them (in fact have a project due Monday) and she got me caught up on what’s new. I get free access to the museum, so I look forward to heading there once it opens again.

I eventually found a Tupperware a rep and she told me to bring the bowl into Assiniboia the next time I’m there so she can warranty it. She had some ‘cash and carry’ items and I’ve been wanting some of the little bowls with lids like I got with the last order. She had some, marked $10. I asked for a confirmation on the price and she said that $10 was for four! Needless to say, I grabbed them!  They are the same turquoise as one of the three I got in Lethbridge, but a slightly different shape.

As I was leaving, she asked me how my Ranger and motorhome are doing. Yup, she works at the place where I had my vehicles saftied last August and remembered. Small town life!

I finished up my errands at the grocery store. It’s a tiny thing, so it’s hit (decent looking avocado) or miss (they were out of bananas) as to what I’ll find, but the prices are the same as in Assiniboia and they have the same sales (yay for $3 off my favourite type of coffee!). I was advised that I can call and ask to have things brought down from Assiniboia, like my preferred type of yoghurt. Now that I don’t need propane as often, I’ll be cutting down on my Assiniboia trips and going more to Willow Bunch, like I did last summer, so it’s nice to know that I can get even more groceries at the small store.

BTW, Assiniboia is 20-25 minutes away, while Willow Bunch is 10-15 minutes away depending on the condition of the gravel road, hence why I prefer to go to the smaller community since it saves on gas.

I like it out here. It’s not perfect but if all my wanderings taught me anything, it’s that this is as good as it could get for me in Canada. I definitely wouldn’t be improving Haven if the thought of having a future here made me uncomfortable! I look forward to next winter’s adventure even more knowing that I’ll be okay, even happy,  that the spring will bring me back to Saskatchewan.

A Not So Difficult Winter Finally Winds Down

Sunday will mark a year since I rolled into Haven. It is also very likely the day that I will be moving out of my friend Laura’s yard and back to Haven!

This winter truly wasn’t that bad and was much more comfortable than the winters I spent in British Columbia, the dry sunny cold being much more tolerable than the humid overcast warmth. I will miss my view out the office, but look forward to being able to fully open my house door!

Except for the exceptionally frigid nights that propane wouldn’t liquefy and I had to keep getting up to switch tanks, this winter was effortless in terms of RV maintenance and keeping my rig comfortable. I do not in the least feel that I ‘survived’ this winter.

SaskPower came by earlier this week to examine the work done by the electrician and deemed it satisfactory enough to schedule the installation of my meter. I was told it could take up to 10 business days. I called this morning to ask if they had a date for me and explained my situation in the hope that they would take pity on me. They did and promised that I will have power tomorrow or Monday at the latest if something comes up tomorrow! Once the meter is in, I will have power immediately, no waiting for them to flip a switch.

I’m still swamped with work, but hope to start prepping Miranda tomorrow afternoon. I don’t have that much exterior work to do beyond putting away the skirting and charging the house battery, but I will admit that the interior is a bit of a disaster. Getting out of here will mean a lot of jockeying back and forth and tight turns, so I am doing a full pack even though I’ll just be going around the block.

I eventually need to empty out Laura’s garage as well and I can’t believe how much stuff is in there! Where the heck did I used to put it?!

I asked the RM the turn on the water at the hydrant I used last summer, but have not received a reply from them. I will call tomorrow to ask if they have an idea of when that will happen. More than anything, even power, I want running water! I have spent so many winters since 2003 without running water and I am beyond done with that!

Warm weather appears to be holding tenuously and we have several beautiful days ahead, so I look forward to continuing work on cleaning up my property. I have received compliments for my efforts from total strangers, which makes me feel quite proud!

Folks who have met me in the last few years would probably not recognize me this spring, so bright eyed, slim, and energetic. I think my physical state speaks volumes to my mental state and that I am not lying when I say that while I might not have had the winter I wanted, I had the winter I needed.

My year in Saskatchewan has done me a world of good and allowed me to decide on what I want to do next. It’s almost sacrilegious to talk about next winter, but the wheels have already been set in motion for the next great big adventure of my life. It’ll come into focus in late July or August, but I’m already talking about it with some folks like it’s a done deal. Last time I did that, I wound up on a beach in Texas, so the chances are good this is going to happen. 🙂

Well, I’d better get back to work as I have a late deadline tonight and an early Skype meeting with a client in the morning. Hopefully, my next post will be of pictures showing Miranda parked at Haven!

Haven Even Closer to Power

The electrician came back this morning to finish up the job, adding a couple of 20A outlets. I had requested three, but only two were installed, leaving me with a 30A space on the panel in case I want to put in a 220 outlet for a dryer or stove in the cabin.

I will very rarely, especially in summer, use the full 30A in the rig, so if the two 20A outlets aren’t enough, I can always tap into the RV amperage via the exterior outlet. Why waste money and resources on an outlet I probably don’t need? I was actually thinking about how I could modify the panel down the line for a dryer and the electrician was obviously thinking along the same lines. If he had put in the other 20A, I would have essentially wasted the last 10A.

So here are my 20A outlets:


Now, notice something different in the breaker box?


Last night, there were what felt like 50 billion (I know, I exaggerate) comments and horror stories about electricians wiring a 30A RV outlet with 220V, like a dryer or stove outlet, and there was at least one mention of my 30A outlet being on a double breaker, which would indicate that my outlet was wired incorrectly. I wasn’t too concerned because I never plug in anywhere without checking the wiring. I was going to wait for the outlets to go live and then check voltage, polarity, and connections, confident that the electrician would be out promptly to correct any problems.

But when I came by to check out today’s work, I had a single 30A and two 20A breakers. So I’m thinking the electrician might have initially wired the 30A outlet incorrectly, realised his mistake, and fixed it. Anyway, it looks correct now and we’ll know soon enough if it is!

The electrician emailed this afternoon to say that he had requested service from SaskPower, but there was a problem with my land description and he couldn’t get them to come out. The issue is that my neighbour gave them the wrong land description (mine), so SaskPower thinks there’s already service on my lot. Because I was able to correctly cross-reference my land description with title information, SaskPower says that this is an easily fixable clerical error. They are sending my request for service over to the technical department, who will call me to give me an idea of what day they can come by to install my meter!

Now, if the rain can hold out another few hours, my gravel pad should be done tonight. All appendages crossed for that!