My Own Routine Is Good

My sore throat went to painful and kept me up most of the night of Tuesday to Wednesday. I eventually got desperate enough to choke down an ibuprofen tablet and it helped immensely. I don’t think I have a cold per se. I just get like this when I’m running on not enough REM sleep.

My host left very early Wednesday morning, so I had the house nearly to myself when I finally got up around 10:00 to a cat who made it clear her breakfast was the first priority! We spent some time cuddling on the couch before bed Tuesday night and she gave me a bath, so I’d say we’re starting off on the right foot. It’s so lovely to have some feline company again!

It is very particular to live in someone else’s home. I’m really torn between realising that seven weeks is not an insignificant period of time so I should get comfortable and my instinct to make myself as small as possible so as to not disturb anything of my host’s. Thankfully, there is clear designated space for me in all the areas I am allowed to use and being able to put my things away in those spaces helped me feel a bit more at home than if I had to live out of my suitcases for nearly two months! My host did a great job of making me feel like I can be at home here.

One of the best gifts she gave me is permission to use her home office, so I have a proper desk and chair! I worked most of the afternoon, glad to have an excuse not to go out as I really am worn down to the nub. I even had a mid-afternoon nap!

Dinner was a simple pasta, but baked with browned cheese on top. I have so missed having a broiler!

I managed to get to bed early (by Spanish time) on Wednesday night and slept a solid five hours before going back to sleep for another three or so. Even though my throat still hurt this morning and I’m a little sniffly, I felt rested, something I haven’t experienced in too long. A couple more nights like that and I’ll be back to normal.

I didn’t latch the bedroom door properly when I got up in the middle of the night and so I woke up to a snoring weight on my chest this morning! I’d say the cat and I are going to get along just fine!

The morning was spent working steadily and then I headed out to the nearby shop to get a few groceries. I really did mean to take some pictures of the beach, but I had no spare energy at all for even such a tiny detour! If I hadn’t been somewhere I speak the language, I don’t think I would have had the strength at all to go out.

I had another largish job to do in the late afternoon/early evening, so I took a long nap before starting on it! Listening to your body is the best way to heal.

My appetite is just fine, so I heated up a pizza and had part of it for dinner, with my favourite sore throat food for dessert, vanilla pudding. If I have to be sick, at least it’s in a country where I can ask if such a thing is available! What I was offered isn’t as good as the Lala brand in Mexico, but it does the trick!

Now, I’m having a cuddle on the couch with the cat and am about to put on a movie. It really didn’t take us long to be friends. She even hung out in the office with me for part of the afternoon!

I’ve got a couple more big days of work and then I should be able to start exploring a tad. Just bear with me. 🙂

4 thoughts on “My Own Routine Is Good

  1. …Just bare with me.
    Ah… well, I don’t know, we may need to take a vote 😉

    Hope you’re feeling better soon.
    Hugs… oh no, never mind you have a new kitty 😉
    Hugs anyway cuz you’ll pull the “sick” card on me.

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