Whew! I made it home at 2AM this morning (Wednesday)!
I had a most excellent drive even though it was a loooooooong day. I stopped for a nice lunch in Fernie, paused in Blairmore, then had a long break in Lethbridge where I did a ton of shopping (one clever person told me the apocalypse is over, LOL). I hit up a few electronic stores for a better cell booster antenna (no luck), Walmart for dried goods, and then Canadian Tire for a few projects. I also bought a big cooler that was on special; nothing fancy but will come in handy for supply runs.
There was construction coming out of Lethbridge, so it was slow going for a bit, but Medicine Hat still came more quickly than expected. There was a lot of talk on the radio about the flooding and evacuations, but I saw no evidence of any of this. I decided that I was four hours from home, so I was going to get my grocery shopping done and finish up this trip.
When I pulled out of town, it was about 9:30, with my ETA being 2:30AM. The drive to Swift Current felt endless. I was physically tired, but not mentally since my body thought it was an hour earlier. I stopped for gas and a leg stretch, found a station playing my generation’s music, and rocked to Bryan Adams, Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, and New Kids on the Block all the way to Assiniboia, a stretch that felt about a 10th shorter than it actually was. It’s nice when the last stretch flies by!
I pulled into Haven at about 1:45AM, unloaded what absolutely had to be unloaded, and climbed into bed where I was asleep by quarter to 3.
I’m feeling a little groggy today and expect it will take a few days for me to fall back into my routine. I did get the truck fully unloaded and most of my stuff put away. I don’t have internet at home right now (I’m telling you, the bloody thing is sentient), so I’m up the hill waiting for Charles and Caroline to come home so I can pick up my boy.
I have several posts to write up about the weekend, but I want to say two things right now.
1) The weather in BC was mostly miserable, as it usually is, and the mountains were damp and grey, and shrouded with fog. I am so happy to be back under the sun bleached skies of my beloved prairies. If I have to live in this cursed country, there is no place I’d rather be.
2) I LOVED camping in the truck. It was the perfect compromise between car and hoteling it or taking a cumbersome gigantic rig out. I’m going to write more about that, but I really saw on this trip that my gas guzzler wasn’t a stupid buy at all. I didn’t have a lick of trouble with her and she is soooooo comfortable. My clutch leg isn’t even sore today, as it would be with half the distance traveled yesterday traveled in my Accent. It took a year to really use the truck the way I intended to use it and now that I have, I am fully at peace with the compromises I have made.
I’m off to shop online for another antenna and plan to pay big bucks for fast shipping. Wish I’d known I wouldn’t find anything in stores and had ordered earlier.
Our daughter was in Lethbridge yesterday! Traveling in her truck, too. Except hers is a semi. So, if you saw a Swift truck that might well have been her.
Linda, you’re not going to believe this, but I DID see a Swift truck in Lethbridge yesterday. It seemed like a sign to me that I was going to make it at least as far as Swift Current yesterday. I wonder if it was your daughter!
Glad hear you made it back safe and sound. We have been in Alberta and it too has been very windy and wet.
Just wanted to let you know that we are on Hwy 93 in the middle of the Rockies and within 7 mins got the satellite internet up and running. Know your thoughts on it but it hasn’t let us down yet. It is not slow at all and yes expensive but worth every nickel. We also have a satellite TV dish and solar on our roof and four heavy duty batteries, so our weight is up there but according to Greg at AM Solar we are just fine. With my husband writing a soon to be published book, he has had to be in contact with the book designers and the publisher and we have been able to do this with no problem.
Take care and hope you have better luck with a new antennae.
Melissa, I’m not knocking satellite for those who really like to get off the beaten path! For me, I never get far from a cell signal and with my size of rig, that’s fine for me.
Glad you made it home. It’s nice to know that if you are stuck somewhere and your rig is in the shop, you can stay in your comfy truck!! Having options is always so mind settling! Love reading your blog!
Sheri, it is good to have the truck option. Would get cozy with Neelix, though! LOL
Glad you’re home. Glad you had a good weekend. Give your little guy a couple of pets for me.
P.J. Neelix says PURR.